This week was a very busy week. We had a number of things going on from the get go.
Monday we had a busy day getting ready for the Media walk-thru and our production meeting. We also put together more of our SAG Awards auction items that will be posted come next week. For our bleacher auction we have our last 72 hour auction going on now to get your last bids in. If your interested click here to start bidding. http://www.sagawards.org/auction
On Tuesday our media walk-thru went smoothly, Rosalind Jarrett and her bullhorn did an excellent job. We had a beautiful day outside and a great turn out.
Wednesday was our production meeting at the Shrine and was a great success. We had a record read-thru time thanks to our Executive Producer/Director Jeff Margolis. Joe Stewart one of production designers showed off our new set with a nice model. It is looking very classy. Our separate break out groups were very informative and helpful, I went around getting signatures for our production signed tote bag. Which you can check out and bid on at our auction page. Bidding for that starts next Thursday January 27th.
Thursday we continued with the auction items and made some releases about our presenters that will be at our show. It is starting to shape up into another great year for the SAG Awards.
Friday morning we had our pouring event where we got to see the Actor being born. It was very cool to see the process and Modern Family star Rico Rodriguez was in attendance to see the process. Our photos were posted on our facebook page and earlier today on the blog. Once again happy hour is under way and will be our last in the JMP office's. Starting Wednesday we all move down to the Shrine and prepare for the show on Sunday.
I can't believe the show is only 9 days away. Time fly's when things get busy around here. Hope everyone has a great weekend and gets plenty of rest. We have a very very busy week ahead of us.
On a personal note: Let's Go Bears!!!! Beat the Packers!!! Super Bowl here we come...
Time fly's? I guess it does.